Global One Health initiative

Ohio State/Ethiopia Partnership

The Ohio State / Ethiopia One Health Partnership developed in response to consultations among The Ohio State University, Ethiopian universities, regional institutes and U.S. federal partners.

This partnership integrates academicians and practitioners from Ohio State and select East African countries to leverage their knowledge, skills and resources to directly and indirectly contribute to improving biologic and economic health in developed and underdeveloped countries.

Our vision is that our work will:

This partnership is built upon addressing the three discovery themes of The Ohio State University:

Major priority areas identified for the One Health project




Resources Stewardship

Parallel projects

Existing and future exploratory projects:

Clinical capacity strengthening engagements

A College of Medicine ophthalmology team conducted teaching and exploratory activity in February 2013.

Additionally, a neurosurgeon and three optometrists joined the health sciences team for the Summer Institute.