Tony Feng came to The Ohio State University in 2009 and graduated with degree in Logistics at the Fisher College of Business in 2012. Feng not only gained knowledge during his time at Ohio State, but, more importantly, life-long friendships and Buckeye Pride.
“There are many more reasons why I love Ohio State deeply,” Feng said. “The Ohio State University is great and, in some ways, it is even greater than Ivy League schools. From my experience, I can feel what Ohio State engraves in our hearts, and I can feel who Ohio State hopes us to be. I learned generosity, equality and wisdom which are characteristics and morals that are very hard to learn from universities in China and most universities in the U.S.”
Feng is in the process of starting his own company that creates a senior care facility, which aims to offer short-term health rehab and long-term caregiving in Shandong Province, China. This project is unique because the company will combine agriculture and senior care to provide the ultimate healthy lifestyle for his clients. The startup is projected to open in 2019.
“My career path has not been largely affected by my experience in U.S. However, it does not mean the education or experience will fade away. As the business grows, someday I will consider expanding it out of China. One of the smartest things I learned from Ohio State is to think internationally.”
Feng, president of the Beijing Alumni Club, said his advice to future and current Ohio State students is to explore your interests, find who you want to be, make friends and, most importantly, enjoy the best time of your life.