
Bruno Cunha

Bruno Cunha, a city attorney in Recife, Brazil and a professor of law, is currently a visiting scholar at the Ohio State Moritz College of Law under the mentorship of Steven Huefner, professor in law and judicial administration. As part of the Visiting Research Scholars Program, Cunha is taking advantage of the library resources to read and separate materials for his PhD thesis at the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Cunha’s research focuses on the use of foreign precedents in constitutional adjudication by the Brazilian Supreme Court, with a focus on U.S. Supreme Court precedents. He plans to audit classes at Moritz and in the History and Political Science Departments. Cunha, who holds two LL.Ms from the University of São Paulo (2014) and the University of Michigan (2017), is finalizing the organization of a book to be launched at the University of Texas in March next year (with Richard Albert and Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Luís Roberto Barroso), when there will be a summit on constitutional law.

Cunha is also working on translating a book from 1912 on the U.S. Constitutional Convention into Portuguese.