Maria Clara Albuquerque
Maria Clara Albuquerque worked with Penny Pasque, a professor at Ohio State, for a social media internship.
Claudio Antonio Klaus Jr.
Claudio Antonio Klaus Jr. received a scholarship to complete the Foundations of U.S. Law and Practice program.
Shanvanth Arnipalli
Shanvanth Arnipalli completed a virtual internship with Tropik Cosmetics based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Julia Belotto Guaraná
Julia Belotto Guaraná is a student at the University of São Paulo who will work in the College of Medicine.
Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos, Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri, will participate in The Ohio Program.
Bruno Cunha
Bruno Cunha, an attorney and professor, is a visiting scholar at the Ohio State Moritz College of Law.
Kelly Franz
Kelly Franz is an undergraduate student at the Fisher College of Business. She traveled with the Fisher Honors Cohort.
Emanuel Galdino
Emanuel Galdino was a visiting international scholar at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs in 2023.
Mariana Inglez
Mariana Inglez, a PhD candidate at the University of São Paulo, was a visiting scholar through CAPES PrInt.
Yessica Jimenez
Yessica Jimenez spent the summer doing nuclear engineering research in Brazil.
Gertrude Kumi
Gertrude Kumi is a human resource management graduate student who studied abroad in Rio de Janeiro.
Sophia Lenhart
Sophia Lenhart is an undergraduate student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
Melissa Liang
Melissa Liang is a senior majoring in operations management who studied abroad in Brazil in 2019.
Vivian Martins
Vivian Martins was a visiting scholar from the State University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
Dillon McBride
I was fortunate enough to attend the first CADDE genomic epidemiology workshop hosted in São Paulo, Brazil.
Kyle McKinney
He participated in the Higher Education in Brazil study abroad program that was in Salvador, Brazil.
Kerly Cristina Nave dos Santos
Kerly Cristina Nave dos Santos participated in the Moritz Foundations of U.S. Law & Practice Summer Program.
Nilceu Nazareno
Nilceu Nazareno, PhD, is an Ohio State alum who received his doctorate in plant pathology in 1992.
Natália Nunes
She was visiting scholar at the Moritz College of Law’s Drug Enforcement and Policy Center for a semester.
Valdeoso Patterson
Valdeoso Patterson participated in the Higher Education in Brazil study abroad program in Brazil.
Kaue Riffel
Kaue Riffel was a visiting scholar in the College of Engineering in 2021.
Leonardo Rodrigues da Costa Moraes
Leonardo Rodrigues da Costa Moraes is a Leading Engineering as Agent of Change and Equity scholar.
Rebecca Spector
Rebecca Spector junior at Ohio State performed research in Brazil for her major in n English education.
Rachel Thompson
Rachel Thompson participated in the Higher Education in Brazil in Salvador, Brazil.
Matthew Tippit
Matthew participated in the Higher Education in Brazil study abroad program that was in Salvador, Brazil last March.
Rubens Valtecides Alves
Rubens Valtecides Alves came to Ohio State to study English and complete his master's dissertation in law.
Jaret Waters
Jaret Waters is an undergraduate student at Fisher College of Business finishing his last year.
Vinicius Zanardo Rodrigues
Vinicius Zanardo Rodrigues is an energy engineer and will be a PhD student studying nuclear engineering.