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Location: Chennai, India
Date: June 2022
Photographer: Ranjith Kumar Abhinavam @orbitaldebris
Affiliation: Faculty
Home Country: India
Category: People
Award: People's Choice and Honorable Mention
2023 International Photography Exhibition

This is a common but an unfortunate sight in India. People in the streets with out money for their next meal, which we are so fortunate to not have to think about. She was asking for money and as a person running around with a camera seemed only appropriate. Helped her with some cash which I hope helped feed her and her kid. I asked her if i can take her photograph, she looked at me with the cash crumpled in her hand. I still vividly remember as i looked through the viewfinder, the kid who was lying on her shoulder looked at me, I decided to focus on the kids eyes, and the mother a bit off focus.