"The Holi Festival, India"
Location: Nandgaon, Uttar Pradesh, India
Date: February 2015
Photographer: Abhishek Haldar
University Affiliation: Alumni
Home Country: India
Category: Arts & Culture
Award: 1st Place
In the artist’s own words: "One of the best places to enjoy Holi festival in my opinion, is in Nandgaon - a small village in India popularly known as the birthplace of Lord Krishna. According to the folklore, men from Nandgaon visit Barsana (a neighboring village) to celebrate‚ Holi, with women from Barsana. When these people come visiting, they are welcomed by the Barsana women with sticks and are beaten up. The men from Nandgaon come well prepared for it, with padded shield to counter the attacks. These sticks are called‚ lathis, and hence this holi-celebration is also famously known as‚ Lathmar‚ holi."